Introduction to Web Development

A great place to start for beginners or those in need of a refresher. We will go over the basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
An introduction to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and web development. Learn how to create your first website!
Use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to design and customize your new webpage.
Learn about Javascript to create interactive web content, such as buttons and hover effects.

Adding on to the Basics

Learn advanced Javascript techniques and start using a backend server.
Build on your Javascript knowledge and explore more complicated topics including asynchronous functions and promises.
Use Express to add a backend server, allowing for greater capabilities such as data storage, logins, and API calls to your webpage.
Use handlebars to create a template and dynamically generate HTML code based on the input it recieves from the server.

Advanced Features

In this section, we go over more advanced topics of web development, including databases, cookies, and OAuth.
Begin using storing data in databases and using Standard Query Language (SQL) to add, edit, delete, and retrieve data from databases.
An introduction to what cookies are and its uses, such as storing and remembering user data to improve user experience.
Learn how to use OAuth to authenticate TJHSST Ion accounts on your webpage.
Improve your debugging skills with this lesson about using the browswer debugger to fix your faulty Javascript scripts.

Extra Topics

This section is for people who understand the main, important concepts of web development covered earlier and want to learn more specific topics, such as jQuery.
Learn about jQuery, a popular Javascript library aiming to ease Javascript coding.